Bureau Members
Franziska Haas – President (Germany)
Franziska has over 20 years’ experience in applied research and conservation practice and specialized in the topic of sustainable refurbishment of historic buildings.
Prior to joining EURAC she was working for the Saxon State Office for Monument Conservation (Germany), as research associate at the Chair of Heritage Science and Building Research, Technical University of Dresden, and as a freelance conservator.
Member of German National Committee of ICOMOS

Rosa Milito – Secretary (Canada)
Rosa is an Architect with cultural heritage expertise. Her over 20 years of International experience (Canada and Europe) includes working on projects involving cultural heritage resources and teaching Conservation and History and Theory of Architecture. Her background includes architectural, Urban and Cultural landscapes conservation projects. Her expertise and experience encompasses projects involving World Heritage sites, review of WH nominations dossiers. She is currently an Adjunct Professor at the Graduate School of Architecture in Halifax, Canada, and her course is focused on the theory and practice of heritage Conservation.
Rosa holds a PhD in the conservation of cultural heritage and landscape from the University of Rome. She is a licensed Architect, Planner and Landscape Architect in Italy with a holistic vision and approach to her profession, which cohesively addresses complex aspects of World Heritage projects. She is accredited Specialist Conservation Architect in the RIBA Conservation Register. She has recently established her heritage consultant firm in Halifax.
She has been an expert member of ISCES+CC since its foundation and is currently Secretary General. She has been actively involved with the ICOMOS Climate Change Heritage Working Group and the Climate Heritage Network (WG4). She served as Director of ICOMOS Canada for six years until 2021, when her second mandate ended.
Her current research and professional emphasis is upon sustainable approach to heritage projects and intersection with Climate Change, urban conservation in sensitive areas and cultural landscape. She provides peer reviews for ATPI Bulletin and scientific heritage focused conferences.

Khalid EL HARROUNI – Vice President (Morocco)
Khalid EL HARROUNI is Full professor of civil engineering and computational mechanics. Deputy Director of Research at the Ecole Nationale d’Architecture (ENA), Rabat, Morocco.
Responsible of Doctoral Studies Centre “Architecture and related disciplines” of the ENA and Scientific coordinator of the research theme “Sustainability in architecture and urbanism”.
Editor in Chief of African and Mediterranean Journal of Architecture and Urbanism (AMJAU)
Expert member and Vice president of the International Scientific Committees on the Analysis and Restoration of Structures of Architectural Heritage (ICOMOS ISCARSAH) and on the Energy and Sustainability (ICOMOS ISCES).
More than 30 years research and professional experience in civil engineering, urban planning, buildings energy efficiency, advanced computational techniques and heritage architecture.

Rachel Jackson – Vice President (Australia)
Rachel Jackson is a Principal and Company Director of GML Heritage, one of Australia’s leading heritage practices.
Rachel specializes in heritage management and impact assessments for several significant heritage places across Australia—usually large complex sites, historic buildings and cultural landscapes—at all levels of heritage significance; local, regional, Commonwealth, National and World heritage. She is an active member of ICOMOS, including involvement with ICS’s and a convenor of Australia’s NSC for Energy and Sustainability. She has undertaken many world heritage reviews for ICOMOS.

James Ritson – Vice President (United Kingdom)
Dr James Ritson is an architecturally trained building conservator specialising in sustainability and recording the existing built environment. He is currently the programme leader for both BSc(Hons) & MSc Building Surveying at University College of Estate Management. James is an Expert member of two ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites)(UN advisory group on World Heritage) Scientific committees: The UK National Scientific Committee on Digital Heritage and is the Vice -President of the International Scientific Committee on Energy and Sustainability. James was made a fellow of the Royal Geographic Society in 2010 for his work on the sustainability of the built environment. He has published widely on sustainability, health and conservation issues, and his main research interests are sustainability of the existing built environment and the recording of existing buildings.
As of April 6th 2022, ISCES+CC counts Canada has a membership base of 68 members, a small yet noteworthy increase compared with this time last year. It is expected that these numbers will have increased between this date and the end of the year. Efforts continue to be made to recruit members amongst the international ICOMOS membership.
As in the past years, the majority of members are from Europe (38) and the remainder are distributed across other continents. Amongst our membership we count 3 Institutional members as well as Expert and Associate members. Our membership is also open to Non-ICOMOS and emerging professional members .
To become an Associate or Expert member of ISCES+CC ICOMOS members of any National committee can contact our Bureau and will be considered based on their interest and experience within our field of expertise.
The goal of the ISCES+CC Membership continues to be to increase membership in all Continents around the world and to promote ISCES+CC at events such as the World Heritage Day and partnerships with other organizations, in order to broaden the profile of the International Committee.